From Pax Christi International:
All members of Pax Christi International and all people of good will are invited to write a message of hope and encouragement to our friends in Bethlehem. The season of Advent and Christmas reminds us of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace.
The expectation of a just peace in Israel–Palestine is still alive, locally and globally. Pax Christi International supports all those in the Holy Land who show enormous courage in choosing peaceful ways that leads to a just peace. They raise their voices and speak truth to power, acting out inspirational stories to restore peace and build bridges between communities and religions in countries throughout the world.
Share your prayers and wishes
We invite all of you to send your prayers and wishes of peace, justice and solidarity.
Your messages will be used in Bethlehem, Palestine and elsewhere in educational and religious settings. They are also expected to become, over time, a helpful resource for peace spirituality and peace building.
No matter how small this gesture may seem, the sending of an inspirational prayer/wish provides genuine support to those who receive them. It is a sign of hope. It is a sign that people outside the region care about them and that they should not give up. It is a sign that change for a real peace is possible.
Please e-mail your Christmas peace prayers and wishes before December 25, 2013 (Western Christmas) and/or January 7, 2014 (Eastern Christmas).
While English is the preferred language, non-native English speakers may use their mother tongue. Messages can be emailed to the Arab Educational Institute. Read all messages here.
Sponsor a Wall Poster in Bethlehem
Members of the Arab Educational Institute have a number of very moving personal stories that are displayed on long-lasting posters on the separation wall in Bethlehem. These can be seen here.
Pax Christi member organizations, partners and other groups can take part in this project with their Christmas peace prayers and messages. The Christmas message posters will be displayed together on one section of the wall around the time of the Orthodox Christmas.
Your poster:
- can be a personal one, or
- can be from a group and include the name and logo, or
- can be done jointly with another group/country and include the various names and logos.
To sponsor a poster costs between 70-100 Euros. To sponsor a wall poster please contact: Toine van Teeffelen, Head of Education, Arab Educational Institute.
We hope that this Advent and Christmas season will be a special time of global solidarity and a deep commitment and belief in a just peace for all the peoples of the Middle East.
Brussels, 3 December 2013
To download a PDF version of this message, click here. Check the Pax Christi site for copies in additional languages.