From the Justice for Immigrants Campaign of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
On Saturday January 19, 2019, President Trump announced his proposal to end the partial federal government shutdown. The proposal contains the president's $5.7 billion request for border wall funding, among other enforcement funding, in exchange for non-renewable three-year protection for current DACA recipients and certain TPS recipients.
The proposal fails to provide a path to citizenship for these individuals, leaves thousands of Dreamers and TPS families without protection, and seeks to undermine existing protections for unaccompanied children and asylum seekers.
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston, Texas, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, Texas, Chairman of USCCB's Committee on Migration, issued a statement voicing concern about the items outlined in the president's address and urging the president and lawmakers to end the shutdown with "legislation that shows compassion, keeps us safe, and protects the vulnerable."
Unfortunately, the bill reflecting the president's proposal, the "End the Shutdown and Secure the Border Act" (McConnell-Shelby Amendment 5), introduced on January 22nd, fails to meet these basic principles. The Senate will vote on the McConnell-Shelby Amendment 5 on Thursday, January 24th around 12pm ET; the Senate will then consider Democrat-sponsored Amendment 6, which is a short-term continuing resolution through February 8th, around 2:30pm ET.
For the reasons outlined here, we are urging that Senators vote "No" to McConnell-Shelby Amendment 5. With approximately 25% of the government shutdown for the 32nd day, please continue to pray for all those affected, as well as our federal lawmakers working to find a solution.
Take Action
Please call your Senators and urge them to reject McConnell-Shelby Amendment 5. Click HERE to find your Senators' contact information.