Congratulations to all those who have been working for years to reach this point – the UN adoption of a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)! Thank you to all who called and signed online letters in support of this Treaty.
This is a momentous and historic achievement, which will help make our world a safer, less violent place.
Take action: As we continue to celebrate and offer congratulations, it is nonetheless crucial to keep the momentum going. The next step in the Treaty’s ratification process comes two months after the adoption date: June 3 is the first day that UN states can sign the treaty. Encourage President Obama to sign the ATT on June 3.
Call the White House switchboard today – use phone number 202-456-1111 – and urge the president to sign the ATT.
An op-ed or letter to the editor in your local paper in support of the Arms Trade Treaty will greatly help our efforts to encourage President Obama to sign. If your paper prints your op-ed or letter, please let us know!
Online actions that are easy to sign onto include this one from Amnesty International USA and this one from Oxfam America.
Learn more about the efforts to pass the ATT at the Control Arms website.