For many years Maryknoll missioners have been writing Scripture reflections on the weekly Sunday Mass readings, published on the website of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. In these short reflections, Maryknoll missioners share their experiences and insights from their work in impoverished and marginalized communities around the world as they relate to the Sunday Mass readings.
Starting in this new liturgical year, beginning on November 29, 2020, the first week of Advent, the weekly reflections will be sent out by email to a list of subscribers.
Sign up here to receive a weekly email with a Scripture reflection on the Sunday readings from a Maryknoll missioner.
Reflections may be written by Maryknoll Sisters, Fathers and Brothers, Lay Missioners, Affiliates, returned Lay Missioners, and staff members from the Maryknoll entities. You can explore past Scripture reflections here.
Click here to sign up for weekly Scripture reflection emails.