Download our five two-pagers to help you join the millions of people worldwide praying and acting for the climate justice at the UN Climate Summit in Paris. Editor: Susan Gunn
November and December 2015 are historic months for taking action on climate change.
Nearly 200 nations will join the UN Climate Summit in Paris, starting November 30. We need them to take bold action and solve the current climate crisis.
To help you join the millions of people worldwide praying and acting for the care for the earth, the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns will offer a weekly series, Path to Paris.
Each week, a two-page prayer-study-action guide will examine the devastating impacts of climate change and what we can do, leading up to the UN Climate Summit in Paris.
Download the first issue of Path to Paris: Rising sea levels are the cry of the earth
The first issue of Path to Paris examines the impact of rising sea levels, especially on the people of Bangladesh. It also offers ideas for making a personal commitment to lifestyle changes, for taking action locally and globally, and for prayer.
Download the second issue of Path to Paris: Extreme weather and the cry of the poor
The second issue of Path to Paris examines the impact of extreme weather, especially on the people of the Philippines. And it offers ideas for making a personal commitment to lifestyle changes, for taking action, and for meditation.
Download the third issue of Path to Paris: Climate change threatens food security
The third issue of Path to Paris examines the impact of climate change on food security, especially on smallholder "family" farmers in Peru. And it offers ideas for making a personal commitment to lifestyle changes, for taking action, and for meditation.
Download the fourth issue of Path to Paris: Climate justice is a movement toward lasting peace
The fourth and final issue of Path to Paris examines the impact of climate change on migration and social unrest, especially in Tanzania. And it offers ideas for making a personal commitment to lifestyle changes, for taking action, and for meditation.
We offer Path to Paris in response to Pope Francis’ call: “Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it.” (Laudato Si' 19)
Finally, don't miss our two page summary of the outcomes from the summit: Path from Paris.
You can find all our updates from the Paris Climate Summit and our post-summit analysis at www.maryknollogc.org/tag/path-paris.
Share each issue of Path to Paris plus the Path from Paris with your parish and friends; and use it for personal reflection.
Photo: Indian fields and wind turbines, by Yahoo! Blog from Sunnyvale, California, USA / Licensed CC BY 2.0